AMTA’s office will be closed December 24-25 and January 1, and business hours on December 23, 26 and 27 will be 9 am-5 pm CT. To contact HPSO, call 1-888-253-1474. Click here for more information on the best times to reach us.

Ethics CE for Massage Therapists

Ethical standards are important for building trust with your clients, and creating a safe and thriving practice.

Ethics CE

Maintaining and upholding an ethical practice is important for any profession, but especially for massage therapy. While working with your clients, complicated issues may arise, and knowing how to handle these problems in a professional, ethical manner can be the key to a successful practice.

In addition, many state licenses require ethics CE hours. AMTA is here for you with our portfolio of online ethics courses designed to help massage therapists gain a thorough understanding of ethical practice while building strong, trusting relationships with clients.

Browse All Ethics CE Courses

Featured Ethics Courses

Ethical Decision-Making

$15 members / $25 non-members    1 CE credit

Complaints against massage therapists are rarely about poor hands-on technique or inadequate positioning. They more often involve situations where personal beliefs, feelings or attitudes are in conflict with professional ethics and boundaries. This course helps to uncover personal assumptions or biases that may confuse ethical issues which could arise in your massage practice.

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Creating Healthy Boundaries

$45 members / $75 non-members    3 CE credits

Understanding boundaries is crucial for massage therapists to create an ethical practice and build professional relationships. By increasing your awareness of both a massage client's and your own boundaries, you can improve the therapeutic relationship and avoid inadvertent slips into unethical behavior.

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