AMTA’s office will be closed December 24-25 and January 1, and business hours on December 23, 26 and 27 will be 9 am-5 pm CT. To contact HPSO, call 1-888-253-1474. Click here for more information on the best times to reach us.

Free Online Massage CE Courses

Further your career with these free online massage CE courses. 

FREE Self-Care CE

Self-Care for Massage Therapists: Body Mechanics

$0 members / $0 non-members  3 CE credits

Gain an understanding of body mechanics that will give massage therapists the tools to provide effective massage therapy while reducing the impact on their bodies.

Self-Care for Massage Therapists: Injury Prevention

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Get an overview of self-care best practices and how you can incorporate them into your massages to help keep you healthy now and for years to come.

FREE Self-Care CE

Self-Care for Massage Therapists: Body Mechanics

$0 members / $0 non-members  3 CE credits

Gain an understanding of body mechanics that will give massage therapists the tools to provide effective massage therapy while reducing the impact on their bodies.

Self-Care for Massage Therapists: Injury Prevention

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Get an overview of self-care best practices and how you can incorporate them into your massages to help keep you healthy now and for years to come.

More Like This

Self-Care Fitness Principles for Massage Therapists

$0 members / $0 non-members  2.5 CE credits

Uncover key concepts in physical fitness including the functions and adaptations of body systems to exercise. Topics such as body composition will also be included within the scope of massage therapy practice.

12 Self-Care Secrets

$60 members / $100 non-members  4 CE credits

Explore how to integrate mind, body and spirit into your daily routine through this 12-step program designed to make balance an integral part of your life.

FREE Business & Marketing CE

Attracting Business Clients: Part I- Start-up and Retention 

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Specific actions can help get massage therapy clients in the door and ensure they return. Learn unique ways to plan your marketing for a start-up clientele and for repeat business.

Attracting Business Clients: Part II-Expansion and Recovery 

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

All businesses go through cycles. This course addresses the cycles of expansion and recovery and how to assess your business to formulate a plan to address your business building needs.

A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Malpractice 

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Find out how you can protect yourself from legal malpractice action. This course includes actions you should take if you suspect you’ll be sued — or if it comes to pass that you are actually sued.

Growing a Thriving Practice—Systems for Success 

$0 members / $0 non-members  3 CE credits

Effective communication with your massage therapy clients can be the key to a successful massage therapy practice. Learn innovative ways to build business success through personal interactions. 

Insurance Reimbursement and Massage Therapy 

$0 members / $0 non-members  3 CE credits

Explore how to work with insurers and other healthcare payors on reimbursements. Understand the entire process including steps to begin, organizations involved, and managing denials.

It's Your Business-Understanding Business Concepts 

$0 members / $0 non-members  3 CE credits

Determine ways to limit liability for your massage therapy practice through the business entity you choose, contracts and forms. Also learn how ethical behavior, negotiations and insurance can be key to the success of your massage therapy practice.

Making Your Mark-Guerilla Marketing for Massage Therapists 

$0 members / $0 non-members  3.5 CE credits

Delve into a number of inexpensive marketing tools, techniques and ideas — including the Internet and social media — that will help you build a successful massage practice.

Planning for Tomorrow to Help You Today 

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit

Budgeting and planning for the next fiscal year is an important aspect of any business. This course will focus on the fundamentals of why planning is so important.

Protecting Yourself from Malpractice 

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Common sense methods enable you to prevent a malpractice lawsuit, protect yourself in the event of one, and ease your mind so you can provide clients with the best and safest care.

Resolving Conflict in Your Massage Office 

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit

This course discusses several different leadership styles and personality types, how each manages conflict and how to manage conflict with each type in a constructive and communicative way.

Taking Care of Your Taxes 

$0 members / $0 non-members  3 CE credits

Learn the benefits of an accounting system, including preparation of accurate income tax returns and managing information to more successfully run your massage therapy business.

Taxes for Massage Therapists 

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits 

Understand how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 affect your taxes. Learn what defines a business entity, how to file, and common tax deductions for massage therapists.

Additional Online CE

AMTA Online Sports Massage CE

Take your career to the next level with our comprehensive Sports Massage CE courses. Learn new techniques and deepen your understanding of the science of sports massage.

FREE Ethics CE

Self-Evaluation for an Ethical Practice 

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Discover why self-assessment is important and necessary in maintaining ethical boundaries. This course counts towards NCBTMB’s Ethics credit requirement.

Ethics and the Power Differential

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Discover how power is defined, amplified and misused in the massage therapist and client relationship and how ethical monitoring of the power differential can improve your client’s satisfaction, ease and build trust.

the word ethics being highlighted in dictionary

FREE Ethics CE

Self-Evaluation for an Ethical Practice 

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Discover why self-assessment is important and necessary in maintaining ethical boundaries. This course counts towards NCBTMB’s Ethics credit requirement.

Ethics and the Power Differential

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Discover how power is defined, amplified and misused in the massage therapist and client relationship and how ethical monitoring of the power differential can improve your client’s satisfaction, ease and build trust.

From the Client's Perspective: Marketing, Policies and Ethics of your Practice

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Explore the client’s view of your marketing efforts, physical location and business policies. Learn how the ethics of your policies can affect client perceptions.

Sports Massage: Ethics and Building Trust

$0 members / $0 non-members  2.5 CE credits

Delve into ethical considerations in sports massage. Learn about transference, countertransference, special confidentiality requirements and workplace challenges.

More Like This

Creating Healthy Boundaries

$45 members / $75 non-members  3 CE credits

Understanding boundaries is crucial for massage therapists to create an ethical practice. Discover how increasing awareness of the boundaries between you and your clients can improve the overall therapeutic relationship.

A Holistic Model for Ethical Practice

$30 members / $50 non-members  2 CE credits

Find out how to approach ethical dilemmas in a holistic manner. Explore the benefits of integrated ethical responses and the role of self-care in your massage practice.

FREE Massage General CE

Helping Military Veterans with Massage Therapy

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Learn specific skills for providing massage therapy to military veterans and gain an understanding of the regulations for military veterans to have access to alternative therapies.

Integrating Assessments into Intake

$0 members / $0 non-members  3 CE credits

Discover how assessments can help to improve your business as well as the general health and specific functional assessments to make.

FREE Massage General CE

Helping Military Veterans with Massage Therapy

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Learn specific skills for providing massage therapy to military veterans and gain an understanding of the regulations for military veterans to have access to alternative therapies.

Integrating Assessments into Intake

$0 members / $0 non-members  3 CE credits

Discover how assessments can help to improve your business as well as the general health and specific functional assessments to make.

Integrative Stretching Foundations For Your Massage Practice

$0 members / $0 non-members  2.5 CE credits

Find out how to incorporate stretch to design massage sessions focused on improving clients’ functional ranges of motion. Explore how mobility and range of motion can be measures of optimal health and performance.

Relief Within Reach: Massage & Stress

$0 members / $0 non-members  2.5 CE credits

Learn how massage therapy can help relieve stress by understanding the signs and symptoms and the ways it affects the body. Get tips on marketing the benefits of massage to clients struggling with stress.

Talking to Your Clients about Skin Cancer

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

This course describes how skin cancer occurs, how to recognize it in your clients and how to talk to them about it. It also includes details on how to educate your clients about skin cancer detection and prevention.

FREE CE for Massage Educators

Essential Elements of Career Services Panel

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit

Hear from representatives from various school sizes on the essential elements to include in your career services program. Whether you have a thriving career services department or are taking your first steps - gain valuable information to jumpstart your program.

Building Blocks: Basics of Effective Teaching

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Gain an overview of adult learning foundational and theoretical principles and theories. Lessons include what is known about how adults learn and ways that these theories and ideas can be applied in the classroom.

Admissions, Retention, and Student Support: Optimizing Limited Resources in Your School

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit

Explore the challenges administrators face, and find out how to incorporate strategies and tools to empower staff in their roles while achieving deliverables with limited personnel.

Assessing Skills and Abilities through Oral and Practical Exams

$0 members / $0 non-members  4 CE credits

The learning objectives of this course explain how to align student assessments with the knowledge, skills and abilities they are expected to grasp from a course.

Best Practices for Keeping Your Course Content Fresh and Current

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit 

Refresh your teaching materials with ease in this fast-paced course. Develop strategies on keeping course content current and engaging. 

Beyond the Textbook: Active Learning for Long-Term Retention

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit 

Delve into how to use creative lesson planning to help students retain information long term. Explore engaging activities that aid different learning styles and strategies to preserve classroom knowledge for a lifetime.

Creating an Environment for Learning

$0 members / $0 non-members  3 CE credits

Review information on key elements for creating an environment for learning with an emphasis on the role communication and classroom management has on learning.

Key Elements of Effective Course Planning

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Lessons include laying the groundwork for successful course planning, developing learning objectives, writing a syllabus and lesson plans, learning assessments and the importance of reflection to bring it all together.

Nuts and Bolts: Basic Elements of Instructional Design

$0 members / $0 non-members  3.5 CE credits

Learn how to design an effective and exciting class. The first part introduces the standard instructional design model called the ADDIE model. It also includes a working knowledge of relevant learning theories.

Teacher's Toolkit for Achieving Learning Outcomes in a Changing Environment

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit

Explore tools and methods that you can implement in your teaching to improve learner engagement and success. Find out how to upgrade your teaching approaches with online learning concepts and technology.

Teaching Pathology that is Research-Informed

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit

Learn the tools needed to incorporate research literacy into your school’s curriculum. Explore how to teach students how to separate research-based fact from fiction when creating session plans for clients with pathologies.

The Ethics of Information

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit

Take a look at what constitutes research and how can we let go of the hueristics that hold us back from gathering the right data to give to the public. 

Three Research-Based Power Concepts for Helping Students Learn

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit

Explore how creating powerful learning experiences that complement your current strategy will lead to improved student outcomes. Finish this course with research-based strategies designed for you to implement immediately.

Thriving in the Age of COVID-19 Panel

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit

Discover key strategies for making modifications to the classroom to enhance student performance including curriculum design, best practices for accommodating different learning styles, and marketing techniques.

Trends in the Massage Profession Panel

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit

Listen to representatives from various schools on how the current trends and research findings in the massage profession may affect massage schools moving forward.

Turn Your Passion for Teaching into Student Success

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit

Explore how to use your passion for teaching to help students retain the skills they need to be successful. Discover new strategies for inspiring students with your knowledge and expertise.

Understanding Competencies

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

What are competencies, how they are created and how they can be used in the classroom? This course explores how they can be used in the classroom and why they are critical to the success of our students.

Additional Online CE

AMTA Online Fascial Therapy CE

Explore the science of fascia, contraindications and techniques with AMTA's suite of Fascial Therapy courses.

FREE Research CE

IMTRC: Addressing the Opioid Epidemic with Massage Therapy

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits 

As the United States struggles with an epidemic of opioid use and its devastating effects on lives, society and the economy, it's important to consider the role massage therapy can play in pain management.

IMTRC: Anxiety Disorders and Massage Therapy

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit 

Delve into research on the acute effects of Swedish massage therapy (SMT) as a monotherapy for the treatment of subjects with generalized anxiety disorder.

woman holding open book and typing on laptop

FREE Research CE

IMTRC: Addressing the Opioid Epidemic with Massage Therapy

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits 

As the United States struggles with an epidemic of opioid use and its devastating effects on lives, society and the economy, it's important to consider the role massage therapy can play in pain management.

IMTRC: Anxiety Disorders and Massage Therapy

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit 

Delve into research on the acute effects of Swedish massage therapy (SMT) as a monotherapy for the treatment of subjects with generalized anxiety disorder.

IMTRC: Arthritis and Massage Therapy

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit 

Explore research on the effects of massage therapy as a stand-alone treatment for pain and functional outcomes for those with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

IMTRC: Breast Cancer and Massage Therapy

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit 

Learn how myofascial massage is a promising treatment to address chronic pain and mobility limitations following breast cancer surgery.

IMTRC: Health & Wellness: The Role of Integrative Therapies

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit 

Discover how massage therapy plays an integrated approach to care for chronic musculoskeletal pain. Learn about NCCIH’s efforts to increase patient access to integrative therapies.

IMTRC: Hospital-Based Massage Therapy: Improving the Quality of Life for Patients

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit  

Examine how massage therapy can help with quality of life challenges for hospitalized patients affected by chronic and serious illness, including improving the inpatient environment and relieving stress.

IMTRC: Low Back Pain and Massage

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit 

Hear how the Kentucky Pain Research and Outcomes Study evaluated massage therapy’s impact on pain, disability, and health-related quality of life for patients with chronic low back pain.

IMTRC: Massage Therapy for Breast Cancer Patients

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit 

Discover how oncology massage helped reduce clinically significant pain in breast cancer patients, in addition to, stress in patients undergoing reconstructive surgery.

IMTRC: The Latest Science on Muscles and Massage

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit 

Examine the latest research on massage therapy as an effective method for decreasing muscle atrophy and helping people recover from muscle disuse.

Reading a Research Article

$0 members / $0 non-members  3 CE credits 

To stay current in the massage therapy profession, research literacy is essential. Learn to read, evaluate and critique research, and to adapt these skills to write your own article.

Research and Massage Therapy

$0 members / $0 non-members  3 CE credits 

Find out how to evaluate and incorporate research results into your massage therapy practice. By analyzing and participating in current research, you can help broaden the acceptance of the profession.

Research on and Treatment of Diabetes

$0 members / $0 non-members  2 CE credits

Review diabetes research that focuses on new approaches and the science behind them. Get tips on ways to connect and communicate with health care workers who have patients with diabetes.

Whole Person Health and Massage Therapy

$0 members / $0 non-members  1 CE credit

Hear from leaders in integrative healthcare as they discuss the latest research and what it means for the future of massage therapy. Find out how these approaches can create new opportunities for massage therapists.

woman using desktop computer
woman typing on laptop

Highest Quality Massage Therapy Continuing Education

AMTA is one of the few providers that seeks pre-approval from state licensing boards on all CE courses offered. We go the extra mile to help you meet your state licensing needs.

AMTA is also a National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) approved provider, demonstrating a commitment to excellence in the massage therapy profession.

These two processes ensure that AMTA is offering the highest-quality education available.

Continuing education requirements vary for massage therapy licensing. Check with your regulatory board to confirm your specific continuing education needs.