AMTA’s office will be closed December 24-25 and January 1, and business hours on December 23, 26 and 27 will be 9 am-5 pm CT. To contact HPSO, call 1-888-253-1474. Click here for more information on the best times to reach us.
Advertising Complaint Policy
AMTA attempts to execute a fair and thoughtful media policy for mutual benefit of our membership and our advertisers. Although AMTA is not responsible for specific product or educational claims or performance, we believe in and support the integrity of our advertising partners. Therefore, we have established specific guidelines for review and resolution of any product or service concerns and complaints. All filed complaints will be reviewed and resolved through a process involving committee members and staff of AMTA.
Filing an Advertiser Complaint
The complaint must be signed and provide a name, address, phone, and e-mail, and if applicable an AMTA membership number.
The complainant must submit a written description of the complaint. This can be either a description of the product or service and why it does not perform up to expectations, or how the complainant believes a specific advertisement violates AMTA policy. If possible, a copy or tear sheet of the ad, a copy of the promotion or web page in question should be included.
Complaints regarding AMTA publications and Web materials must be submitted within 30 days of publication. Mail complaints to:
American Massage Therapy Association
500 Davis Street, Suite 900
Evanston, IL 60201
In the case of a complaint regarding chapter media opportunities, the complaint should be sent to the local chapter address, and addressed to the attention of the chapter president. -
All complaints will be reviewed and responded to in writing. Advertisers will be notified of all complaints and provided suggestions for resolution.
All matters and correspondence regarding complaints will remain strictly confidential.