AMTA’s office will be closed December 24-25 and January 1, and business hours on December 23, 26 and 27 will be 9 am-5 pm CT. To contact HPSO, call 1-888-253-1474. Click here for more information on the best times to reach us.
Submission Process for a Position Statement Idea
Learn how to submit a Proposed Idea for a Position Statement for consideration.
Submission Eligibility
A proposed idea for a position statement to be considered by the Assembly of Delegates can be submitted by a professional AMTA member or group of professional members, a chapter’s board of directors, or the National Board of Directors. The proposed idea should be significantly different from any previously approved AMTA Position Statements.
Submission Process for a Proposed Idea for a Position Statement (PIPS)
- The proposed idea must be submitted on the Assembly of Delegates Proposed Idea for a Position Statement Idea Submission Form and sent to the AMTA staff liaison. This form will then be reviewed by the following: Assembly of Delegates Advisory Committee (AODAC) Chair; AODAC members; appropriate AMTA staff.
This vetting process is to ensure that the proposed idea meets criteria for consideration. Please note, submissions are not guaranteed to be accepted to be put forth to the AOD (see submission approval process that is covered in the Guidelines for Completing a Proposed Idea for a Position Statement Submission Form document). - A proposed idea may be submitted at any time, however, to be considered for a current year’s AOD meeting agenda, the entire review, revision, and re-submission process must be completed eight weeks prior to that year’s AOD meeting. See submission timeline for exact dates.
- The AODAC Chair will get back to the submitter within 4 weeks with any suggested changes or revisions to the submission.
- The submitter then has 2 weeks to return the updated submission with any changes.
- If the proposed idea is put forth for consideration by the AOD, the document must be finalized no less than 8 weeks prior to the AOD meeting.
- If the proposed idea is brought forward for the AOD’s consideration, the AODAC will report the results of the deliberation to the submitter(s) who proposed the IDEA within 60 days following the AOD meeting.